Parents » Attendance and Tardies

Attendance and Tardies


Attendance and Tardies

It is critical that students attend Mayall Academy each day on time.  Our instructional program begins the moment students walk into the classroom.  Students are expected to be in their seats and ready when the 2nd bell rings at 8:00 am.

If your child is absent due to illness, please send a note of explanation upon return.  Students are allowed to make up any work missed during an excused absence.

For any unexcused absence, it is the teacher’s decision to allow missed work to be completed and/or counted towards the student’s grade.

Students absent for more than 5 days due to illness, must go to the office before re-admittance and may be asked for a note from the doctor.

Any student tardy in excess of 30 minutes without a valid excuse, or more than three days in a school year without a valid excuse, is classified as truant.

Mayall Academy will have a PSA Counselor assigned to our school.  The Counselor will closely monitor all student absences and tardies.